Monthly Archives: July 2022

PATCHS Online consultation

New online service launching in July

We’re pleased to announce that we will be launching a new online consultation tool called PATCHS at our GP practice in July. We have selected PATCHS to take the place of our current online consultation service to improve the experience for our patients.

The new online consultation service offers a secure, simple and flexible way for patients and carers to contact their GP practice – it will not replace face to face appointments, it is in addition to routine contact with Practices. This should not be used for emergencies when you should contact 999 or visit A&E.

By registering you will have easy access to a range of services from your computer or smartphone, including:

– reporting symptoms to your GP

– booking virtual appointments

– accessing health advice

To request repeat prescriptions, you should continue to follow the current process we have in place.

You can register via the [link] on our website homepage. All you will need to do is provide an email address and set up a password.

For more information on PATCHS you can visit their website.

New online consultation service launching across north west London on XX June

GP practices across North West London are working to increase access to care and make it as convenient as possible for patients and carers. A big part of this is improving our online consultation service.

We have worked with patients and healthcare staff to select an online consultation service that is accessible and simple to use, and together we have decided on a tool called PATCHS. This has been chosen to replace our current service as part of our commitment to improving patient experience.

The new service offers a secure and confidential way for you to contact your GP practice – it will not replace face to face appointments. This does not replace face to face appointments but is in addition to routine contact with Practices. This should not be used for emergencies when you should contact 999 or visit A&E.

By registering, patients will have access a range of services, including:

– reporting symptoms to their GP

– booking virtual appointments

– accessing health advice

The service can be used by the patient, or by a carer on the patient’s behalf.

This new service can save you the hassle of travelling in or waiting for a GP appointment. It will not replace face to face appointments, it is simply an addition to them so that patients have flexibility in accessing timely care.

How to access PATCHS the new online consultation service

To access the online consultation service, you simply need to click on the link on the homepage of your GP website. You’ll be directed to the PATCHS login screen, where you will have the option to either login or register for free.

If it is your first time using the tool, you will need to register. You’ll be asked to enter your email address and set a password.

Once you’re registered, you will have access to several services, including booking a virtual appointment. All you need to do is complete a short form so that your GP can better understand and address your health needs.

Check with your GP practice if you’re unsure if PATCHS is available or how to access it. For more information on PATCHS you can visit their website.