
Find out more about the clinics we offer

If you would like to book one of these clinics, please book your appointment online, or contact us on 020 7286 6464 

Women’s Health 

Breast Screening: 

Breast screening aims to find breast cancer at an early stage. To do this, an x-ray is taken of each breast (mammogram). Early detection may often mean simpler and more successful treatment. When women are invited for their mammogram depends on which GP they are registered with, not when their birthday is. 

The requirement is that all women will receive their first invitation before their 53rd birthday, but ideally when they are 50.  If you are under 50 and concerned about any aspect of breast care, please contact the surgery to make an appointment with your GP. 

Useful links: West London Breast Screening 

Cervical Screening Tests: 

Cervical screening, or smear test, is a method of detecting abnormal (pre-cancerous) cells in the cervix in order to prevent cervical cancer. Cervical screening is recommended every three years for women aged 25 to 49 and every five years for women aged 50 to 64 or more frequently if smear results indicates abnormal changes. 

Our nurses are qualified to carry out cervical screening and tests in the form of cervical smears. In order to have a cervical smear the patient must have received a letter requesting that they have a cervical smear and the appointment must please be made for when the patient is not menstruating. 

These appointments typically take around 15 minutes. For any further information or to book an appointment, please call the surgery. 

Useful links 

Emergency Contraception: 

If you’ve forgotten to take your pill, your condom split or you’ve had unprotected sex in the last 72 hours then you may need emergency contraception, and the sooner you take it the better. 

Emergency contraception is available free from Contraception and Sexual Health Services, some GPs (family doctors) and most pharmacies (chemists), even if you’re under 16. 

If you’ve had unprotected sex or your condom failed, it is also really important to consider your risk for sexually transmitted infections and to think about your long-term contraception needs. Please phone the surgery to book an emergency appointment. 

If you miss the 72 hours it is still possible to have an emergency coil fitted up to 5 days after unprotected sex. You can have an emergency coil fitted for free at your local sexual health clinic. 

Men’s Health  

Male Pattern Baldness: 

Male-pattern baldness is the most common type of hair loss. It generally starts with a little thinning of the hair, followed by wider hair loss, allowing more of the scalp to become visible. 

For a few men, this process starts as early as the late teens. By the age of 60, most men have some degree of hair loss. 

Some men aren’t troubled by this at all. Others, however, suffer great emotional distress associated with a lack of self-esteem and, in some cases, depression. 

Useful links 

Prostate Cancer: 


Symptoms often only become apparent when your prostate is large enough to affect the urethra (the tube that carries urine from the bladder to the penis). 

When this happens, you may notice things like an increased need to urinate, straining while urinating and a feeling your bladder has not fully emptied. 

However, these signs do not mean you have prostate cancer. It is more likely they are caused by something else, such as benign prostatic hyperplasia (also known as BPH or prostate enlargement

Testicular Cancer: 

Although still rare compared to other cancers, testicular cancer is the most common cancer in men aged between 15-45 years. If found at an early stage a cure rate of 98% is usually possible. In fact according to recent research overall 96% of men diagnosed with any stage testicular cancer will be alive 10 years after treatment. 

It is important to visit your GP as soon as you notice any lump or swelling on your testicle.  


The earliest warning signs of testicular cancer usually include the following: 

  • A change in size or shape of a testicle. 
  • Swelling or thickening of a testicle. 
  • A firm, smooth, initially painless, slow-growing lump or hardness in a testicle. 
  • A feeling of testicular heaviness. 

Useful links 

Children’s Health 

Childhood and Teenage Mental Health: 

While it is commonly believed that depression only effects adults, around 10% of children in Great Britain aged between 5 and 16 have a recognisable mental disorder; with about 4% of children suffering from an emotional disorder such as anxiety or depression. 

If you are worried about your child’s mental health please visit your GP, who will be able to offer a range of support to help both you and your child. There are a range of talking therapies which are highly effective in dealing with both short term and long term depression, for more information on these therapies please view the NHS Talking Therapy Guide. 

Useful links 

  • Kooth (11 – 18 year olds) 

Childhood Immunisations: 

One of the most important things that a parent can do for their child is to make sure that they have all their routine childhood vaccinations. It’s the most effective way of keeping them protected against infectious diseases. 

Find out which jabs your child needs, when they need them, and what the benefits of each jab are. 

Please call the surgery to make an appointment – 070 7286 6464 

We also offer weekend appointments in our hub bookable by calling the surgery 

For more information please visit the websites below: 

Useful links 

Anti – Coagulation  

Anti-Coagulation is a drug which can prevent life threatening conditions. However, it can be dangerous if people taking it are not monitored regularly and advised which dose to take. Recent changes have been made to the way we prescribe it. 

When a patient requests a prescription for anti-coagulation, the doctor must check that the necessary monitoring has been carried out. We can no longer prescribe a anti-coagulation drug “as directed” and the specific dose must be stated on the prescription. 

Nurse led Anti-Coagulation clinics 

We run Nurse led anti-coagulation clinics for patients who are already classed as being stable on the drug. 

Planning a Family 

Antenatal care: 

Antenatal care is the care and help you receive from health professionals during the course of your pregnancy. It is important you take good care of your own health and that of your unborn baby during pregnancy. 

As soon as you find out you are pregnant, you should get in touch with us to find out more information on the services and support that are available to you. 

Useful links 

Family Planning: 

Our family planning clinics offer free, confidential advice and information about contraception and sexual health. 

We provide a range of services including: 

  • Confidential advice about contraception 
  • The combined oral contraceptive pill 
  • The Progestogen-only pill 
  • Progestogen injections 
  • Limited supplies of free condoms 
  • Free emergency contraception 
  • Confidential advice about STIs 
  • Cervical screening 
  • Unplanned pregnancy advice 
  • Free pregnancy tests 
  • Pre-conception advice and fertility awareness information 

Please book an appointment (through reception or via our online services) with your GP to discuss any of the above in more detail. 

For more information please visit the websites below: 

Useful links 

Neo-natal Care: 

Some newborn babies are released from hospital without a detailed examination. If this is the case, our GPs are happy to perform the relevant checks, either in the surgery, or in comfort of your own home, depending on which is easier for you. 

In most cases, the Practice will contact new mums to arrange for this to happen, on rare occasions where we are unaware of the birth, please feel free to give us a call and arrange an appointment or visit. 

Postnatal Care: 

Postnatal care extends for between 6-8 weeks after the birth of your baby. During this period, routine checks are carried out by the health visitor and you and your baby’s recovery is monitored. 

During your postnatal care you will find out about feeding, potty training, illnesses, safety and more. You will be able to ask your health visitor questions and request advice. 

Useful links 

Preconception Advice: 

If you are planning to have a baby or you need to know more information about how to look after yourself and your unborn baby, please book an appointment with your GP. 

We can provide you with all the information you need to know to have a happy and healthy pregnancy. 

Useful links 

Minor Surgery 

Certain small surgical operations can be performed at the surgery. With minor surgery the recovery time is usually short and you will be back to your usual activities fairly quickly (depending on your procedure). 

Before attending for minor surgery you will need to see a doctor for the diagnosis and then you will be given an appointment to attend for your procedure. 

Please note we do not offer minor surgery for cosmetic purposes. 

The GP’s can refer you for minor surgery in the area of Maida Vale 

Domestic Abuse Awareness  

Maida Vale Medical Centre is now a domestic abuse aware practice. We are working with IRIS in order to promote awareness and support for people who are suffering from, or may be at risk of domestic abuse. 

What is Domestic Abuse? 

Physical – Including being hit, kicked or attacked. 

Sexual – Having to be sexual when you don’t want to. 

Emotional – Being called names, put down, made to feel bad, or threatened. 

Financial – When someone takes or controls your money. 

Isolation – When someone controls who you see and when you go out. 

How can IRIS help? 

If you choose to talk to us, we can: 

  • Support you if you choose to remain in, or leave the relationship/family home. 
  • Help to make you and your children safe. 
  • Put you in touch with a domestic abuse specialist who can help you confidentially. 

For more information, please visit their website by clicking here

If you feel as if you or someone you know may benefit from this service, please find some useful numbers listed below: 

Advance Charity (Mon-Fri 9am-5pm) – 020 8741 7008 

Asian Women’s Resource Centre (AWRC) (Mon-Fri 10am-5pm) – 020 8961 6549 

National Domestic Violence Helpline (Freephone, 24hr) – 0808 2000 247 

Men’s Advice Line – 0808 801 0327 

Respect – 0808 802 4040 (If you are concerned about your own, or someone else’s violent behaviour). 

In an emergency, always call 999.